Summer of 2017.
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the gofundme and made this possible!
Here she is in all her awesome glory!
Brian, hard at work on starting the coop. That is a bit of the floor, behind him!
BUCKLES (to Festus and Toodle Lou): "Okay guys, on the count of three, and for God's sake lift with the knees!"
The roof is on and is water-tight (several downpours tested it out); the doors are almost finished (they are also insulated) and - -I get so happy just looking at this secure little building.
BUCKLES (Inspecting): "I approve of this screw being here."
FESTUS (to Toodle Lou): "Does this door make my butt look big?"
It is really beautiful - big windows on all sides, and insulated.
A view of the inside of the run. Eventually we'll do a mix of sand and soil for the substrate as the grass won't grow in there.
Blanche: "All the world's a stage, and all the people merely players!" Checking out the coop (which she mistakenly thinks will be her on set dressing room.)
Buckles (the white “cornish” bird, rescued from NYC Kapporos slaughter, looking up at the sensor (Zoltan and Mopsie live on the other side of the coop as they are different breeds that feed differently.) The small blue and green square is an amazing device that monitors the warmth and humidity in the coop and sends the data to an app in our cellphones. This gives such piece of mind in the middle of the night!
BUCKLES:"Yep, this seems level, Brian!"
Brian even made the door to the run by hand!
A view of the inside of the coop, almost done but with no divider...
Brian working away in the heat. Birds enjoying watching him work.
Summer 2018
The building of Coops #2 and #3!
Coop #2 and Coop #3 being built!
Coops 2 and 3 in the mist on a beautiful Fall Evening…..the attached runs still need to be built.
Windows going in to Coop #3!
Coop #3 (Penguin and Chico’s House) under construction!
Insulated and winterized, heated and cozy! A view of three coops in our first snowfall for Winter 2018-2019.
Penguin & Chico move into Coop #3, now called “Roody’s Hideout” in honor of a truly special rooster.
Nesting Boxes in Coop #2 (where Tony and his flock live). The little square on the nesting box is a sensor. We have them in every coop. They monitor the humidity and temperature and send the data to apps on our cellphone, so we can check on their comfort at all hours and even while running an errand! We love how this tech helps us provide quality of life and better care!
Close-up of SensorPush!