The Institute for Animal Happiness is pleased to embark on another creative vegan educational outreach initiative.
The Institute for Animal Happiness is releasing a series of artist-created posters educating on different aspects of vegan awareness. Each 11” x 17” poster seeks to bring attention to an aspect of veganism and animal rights, via the special creative voice of a unique vegan artist.
The inaugural poster in this series is by COY JACOBS (info below). Featured on the poster is Jacobs’ depiction of Gail, a hen rescued and rehabilitated by Ahimsa Safe Haven. We are so grateful to work in partnership with these two remarkable entities.
Besides publicly posting these eye-catching and eye-opening educational posters around many regions as we distribute them, the posters are available here for a choice of donation plus shipping. Please note: Shipping is a little high due to having to be mailed in special mailers that protect them. (CHOOSE: FLAT RATE - $6.00 SHIPPING AT CHECKOUT.)
Our website software won’t let us list them to sell by random donation of your choice, so we just set 4 levels. Each level is for a single (1) poster. Choose Flat Rate Shipping for a single charge of $6 which our postage , handling and the special flat mailers to protect them.)
Additionally, the posters will also be made available for FREE (except also for the cost of shipping) to libraries, schools and cultural/creative spaces around the Hudson Valley and beyond, as well as to other rescues and non-profits doing vegan educational work around the country by request.
These beautiful posters are printed by Vegan Printer using eco-and-vegan inks on recycled paper and are only available here on the IFAH website, with any proceeds after the cost of printing/shipping to be distributed between the three participants (IFAH, Rosemary’s Haven and Ahimsa Safe Haven).
A special edition of artist-signed posters will be available up ahead once there are several in the series created, to support the work of the Institute and other vegan organizations and rescues. Please be in touch if you would like to receive future notification.
Artist Info:
COY JACOBS is an artist who wants to “paint the world a better place.” Jacobs also diligently cares for a growing rescued flock via Rosemary’s Haven ( @rosemarys_haven and @coyotejacobsillustration on Instagram ) and works doing rescue very actively. You can support more of his artwork via CynicalYoter on Etsy.
About Ahimsa Safe Haven:
AHIMSA SAFE HAVEN is a rescue and forever home for cats with feline leukemia and chickens located in Onsted Michigan and run by the indomitable Cari Clift. They can be found on FB and IG at @ahimsasafehaven
Thank you so much for your support! We of course welcome any support of our work beyond the amounts listed here for the poster, via our DONATION link.
Note: If you would like to order these in bulk please be in touch for our contact page as well.