Never Forget/Rescue Animals Wristband - Yellow

Never Forget/Rescue Animals Wristband - Yellow
Wear your compassion on your sleeve!
Bright Yellow Silicon Wristband, with graphics referencing an iconic punk record. Each band is printed with two messages facing in two different directions.
On one side is the message: Never Forget Your Boltcutters / Rescue Animals!
On the other side are the words: ANIMAL RIGHTS
The printing is "debossed" (meaning the ink is not simply printed on the surface but actually imbedded into the bracelet. The printing therefore has a texture.)
One size fits most adults (Item may be too large for small children.)
As with all of our items, a portion of sales (minimum 20% but 100% for special initiatives) will go to support animal rescue and care. Recently we rescued two very sick chickens and current sales will go to help us cover their vet bills and build them a secure, comfortable coop (and to house future rescues as well.)
In 2014 thru 2016 money I earned from the sale of our items was given in the form of donations to the following animal rescues and efforts:
- ActAsia for Animals (
- Woodstock Feral Cat Project (
- APRL (Animal Protection & Rescue League - their defense of animal rescuer Amber Canavan)
- The Humane League
- The Chicken Sanctuary
- Ramapo Bergen Animal Refuge in NJ
- Legal Defense of Kelly Lehman (interrupted a pig harassing event)
- Surgery for Frida the Pigeon (via activist Jennifer Chong who does incredible work)
- 10th Element of Hip Hop Health & Wellness Festival (vegan hip hop festival)
- Hen Harbor (towards emergency surgery for Jacinta, a hen)
- My Hopes in You Small Animal Rescue (medical care for 2 locally rescued domesticated rabbits
- Vet Care for Little Joey (a cat in need of surgery)
and the human charities:
- Back on My Feet
- Amnesty International
- Color of Change
- Planned Parenthood
- The White Helmets and International Rescue Committee (Syrian refugee relief and assistance)
... because humans are animals too.