We still have our regular day jobs and work efforts (including Hudson Valley Vegfest) to help us earn funds to support the animal rescue and care. But we are happy to announce that we are now officially a 501c3 organization, as of January 2019! If you like what is happening at The Institute, and want to help us grow our rescue and care capacity and advocacy, we are deeply grateful for your support. It is joyous to feel a happy community growing around these efforts. You can donate by clicking this button:
Additionally, we are always in need of the supplies and items on our Wish List on Amazon (link below) and those on this page.
Thank you for your interest in seeing us grow our rescue, care and educational efforts. We appreciate all good energy, support and participation!
Outdoor large grazing spaces we can move around occasionally to fresh grass, such as this one on Amazon, are desperately needed. Chickens are very vulnerable to hawks and overhead predators.
We can always use chicken feed, bedding and medical/care supplies! The easiest way to help us help them is a gift card to Tractor Supply in Kingston. We can get everything we need there to keep these sweet beings in healthy, safe and tip-top shape. Some supplies we get weekly:
Purina Organic Layer, Crumble and Scratch varieties (containing no animal products)
Chopped/Mulched Hay & Straw
Wood Chips Bedding - Flake, in the white bags (not Fine).
Vet Wrap
Pen & Fencing Material
We keep an updated list on Amazon, of supplies, care items and varied things that are useful. We actually procure a good amount of supplies from Amazon that are impossible to find in our area: veterinary and medical care related items, items to improve housing or quality of life, veterinary manuals and educational books on avian care, special probiotics and more are all available there and help us see to the details of operation, good care and quality of life for our residents. Even amazing movable “grazing spaces” such as this one pictured to the left are all available for purchase there, and are desperately needed to protect birds during daytime foraging from hawks and predators in the short periods of time a human is not outside with them. Please be in touch if you have any questions about anything on this list:
We started off with just a room in our "human" home becoming a de-facto "Chicken Hotel." Then came our first hand-built, beautiful, premium quality insulated coop… then several predator safe run and paddock areas, then TWO MORE beautiful hand-built coops - and we continue to embrace growth and mindful expansion, in order to provide refuge for more beings in need. We would like to find a good patch of land in our area (minimum 25 acres) that would allow us to accommodate and utilize volunteers better, have room for outbuildings so we can continue improve and expand facilities, and allow us to add more educational programs as well. You can learn more about the first coops we built by clicking HERE - and we now have a written, detailed business plan outlining the organizations current programs and status, and future plans - viewable upon request. Click this button if you would like to assist the Institute with this type of growth!